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Kurt Dahlin, Pastor
Breakwater Church in Redondo Beach, California

I made my first trip to Africa in April 1991 and began taking mission teams each Easter to the Transkei in South Africa. Our mission: Bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to the Xhosa people.

In September 1994, I had an opportunity to visit the Southern part of Malawi to discover humanitarian needs due to refugees coming across the border from the devastating Civil War in Mozambique. I discovered the terrible scourge of water poverty.

Women, girls, and families suffered from contaminated open water sources. Their daily struggle for water gripped my heart. I began working to install water wells in very remote villages in Malawi in 1996. This was the seed planted that has grown into Water Wells for Africa.

Since that first borehole was installed in 1996, Water Wells for Africa (WWFA) has become a stand-alone public benefit non-profit. WWFA has placed at least 400 new water wells in desperate hard-to-reach villages serving more than 400,000 Malawians each day.

I have journeyed back to Malawi almost every summer possible for the past 28 years. (No one was able to travel internationally in 2020 due to the Covid 19 pandemic.)


In 2020, after the pandemic waned in Malawi, our local WWFA team wanted to focus on helping schools reopen. They approached the Department of Education of Malawi and obtained a list of 600 schools without water.

We began focusing on strategically bringing water to very isolated and rural schools in desperate need. WWFA installed 10 water wells in schools at the end of 2020. We installed another 20 water wells in schools in 2021 and this year 2022, WWFA will bring sustainable water to 30 schools. Over those years and during this long-term relationship, we’ve discovered that schools, especially in village areas, are under-serviced.

They do not have sufficient classrooms or toilets. Students often meet outdoors, under trees or on the open ground, or under makeshift grass sheds. They have no lights, often no desks, no libraries, very few textbooks, and no water. The teachers are doing the best they can with extremely limited resources.

During our annual site visitation tours, we came to appreciate more deeply the fact that public schools in Malawi teach Bible Knowledge as a core curriculum!


Now compare that to the situation in the United States where—since the US Supreme Court decisions of 1962 and 1963—Bible reading and prayer have been forbidden in public schools.

It was shocking to realize that teaching the Bible was still considered basic, primary education for young people in Malawi. We also discovered among the many textbooks that are lacking was the Bible.

In one school with over 800 students, there was only 1 Bible (and the headmaster of the Nanyanje school in Mangochi guarded that lonely Bible in his office).

I put together the Good News For Schools project with the backing, support and enthusiastic assistance of my friends and Foursquare partners in Christ forged over the last 28 years to begin the Good News for Schools project.

There are over 7,000 public schools in Malawi and more than 4 million students. I can imagine that the situation in Southern Malawi exists throughout the country.

We plan to walk boldly through the open door that God has provided to bring as many Bibles as possible to as many schools as possible in Malawi. And with God, all things are possible.

We have already funded the purchase and delivery of our first 2,000 Bibles to 11 schools in Southern Malawi. (I wired the funds directly and securely to their bank account in Blantyre.)

We have rock-solid accountability structures in place from decades of partnership on the ground in Malawi.

The Bible Society of Malawi in Blantyre is situated in the very city of Blantyre just down the street from Blantyre Foursquare Gospel Church.

Our Malawian friends are in a relationship with the people who operate The Bible Society in Blantyre.

On Thursday, October 20, 2022, they drove across town and picked up 72 boxes of Chichewa and English Bibles.

The first Good News For Schools Bible delivery began Monday, October 24th to schools in Mangochi and Machinga. Our team was on the road for an entire week delivering the Bibles.


Touch a child with the Word of God — you touch the next generation.

As you can imagine, this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get Bibles into the hands of students and teachers may not always be such a wide-open door.


The costs of purchase, delivery, and accountability reports are about $20 per Bible. Our Malawian team will follow up and ensure that the Bibles are actively used at the schools that receive them.

Right now, our partners in Malawi have identified 50 schools in need of Bibles. We could easily put 10,000 Bibles in the hands of students as a school textbook for the next 12 years.

We need your help and support to purchase 3 million Bibles for the Good News For Schools Project. Be a part of this ground-floor opportunity to invest in eternity.

We can do this!

Wire Transfer Instructions:


Receiving Bank Name:
Pacific Premier Bank

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Bank Address:
1715 Via El Prado
Redondo Beach CA 90277


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Beneficiary Address:
219 N Broadway
Redondo Beach, CA 90277

Send a Check:

Breakwater Church
PO Box 2410
Manhattan Beach, CA 90267


Good News for Schools

The Breakwater Church is a 501(c)(3) non-profit.
Federal Tax ID# 94-1688818


Our Malawi Bible distribution team to the public schools was recently in a major accident.
Thank God everyone is fine.
Only the car was completely ruined.

No one believes people came out of the car, not even the police—and coming out alright for that matter—but that’s what our God can do and has done. Glory to His holy Name.

Pastor Davis

Malawi Bible Distribution Team

“That is miraculous. We can see how important this new project is. And we can see the hand of God and his protection.”

“Absolutely, this shows how this project will devastate the enemy’s camp and how he will try to stop the move of God through this project.”

“What will happen with the hired car?”

“it is damaged beyond repair.”


“All key members of our Good News for Schools distribution team were delivering bibles when they got into the horrible accident you see in the picture. No one was hurt they all walked away.


If you didn’t believe in miracles, you should now.

Thank you for all the prayers for this new program to put bibles in the hands of students. Cars can be replaced but our team members are priceless.

Thank you, Jesus, that they are all fine with no major problems. A car can be replaced but not those people.

I’m also thankful that they were able to distribute the Bibles. It’s good that we had prayer covering them.”



Just one week after the accident, our local Bible distribution team in Malawi returned to the area where the accident occurred to finish delivering the first 2,000 Bibles.


Good News for Schools - Our Team in MalawiLeft to right: Pastor Davis Galero, Peter Kauya, Pastor Chilambe, Lombola Gama, Isaac Chikonde

Our partners in Malawi are completely dedicated, and the door is wide open. All that is needed is more funds and continued prayer support to acquire and safely distribute more Bibles.

“We safely and successfully traveled to Neno and Mdeka for the Bible distribution. A final report will follow in a few days’ time.”

Our goal is to bring a Bible to every student in Malawi. We have already funded the purchase and delivery of our first 2,000 Bibles to 11 schools in Southern Malawi. Please pray about partnering with us to bring the Word of God to the Malawians. We have an open door. Now, all we need to do is step through it.

Needs Assessment Budget

(Submitted: 28 January, 2023)




Incessant rains caused catastrophic flash floods, with Blantyre suffering the brunt of it. The nation’s power grid was crippled, with its hydroelectric dam rendered inoperable.

Not just once, but twice…

Cyclone Freddy Struck Malawi and then left, and then it returned again to strike a second time!


Cyclone Freddy has left a trail of destruction in its wake as it repeatedly slammed Malawi, leaving thousands of families displaced and in desperate need of aid.

Freddy first developed as a disturbance on 5 February 2023. While in the Australian region cyclone basin, the storm quickly intensified and became a Category 4 severe tropical cyclone, before it moved into the South-West Indian Ocean basin, where it intensified further. The Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) estimated 1-minute sustained winds of 270 km/h (165 mph) at Freddy’s peak strength, equivalent to Category 5 strength on the Saffir–Simpson scale. On 19 February, Météo-France (MFR) upgraded it to a very intense tropical cyclone, with estimated 10-minute winds of 220 km/h (140 mph).

Overall, the cyclone killed at least 1,434 people: at least 1,216 people were killed in the onslaught of Freddy in Malawi (with 537 people missing and presumed dead), 198 in Mozambique, 17 in Madagascar, 2 in Zimbabwe, and 1 in Mauritius, making it the first tropical cyclone globally to claim at least 1,000 lives since Cyclone Idai in 2019. Food security was of particular concern, with millions of others left at risk.

As rescue operations were conducted and aid agencies struggled to provide relief to those affected, the full extent of the devastation wrought by Cyclone Freddy became devastatingly clear.


May 29, 2023


Hey Everybody,
Just finished our first day out in the harvest fields of Malawi.

We traveled to 4 very remote schools and delivered Bibles to be used as textbooks. Ome school has been in existence for 43 years and has never taught Bible Knowledge.

They are excited to begin teaching the bible in the fall to 363 students. We also delivered Bibles to 113 students in an after-school Bible club. We are just getting started with 3 weeks of outreaches. Please be in prayer for a massive harvest of souls.

Foursquare is having a national convention in LA. See the picture below.

We are praying for a level highway into the hearts of leaders to partner with us to change a nation.

Much Love,


A Glorious African “Fire” Sunset in Malawi

May 30, 2023

[Pastor Kurt and I] flew to Malawi and were greeted warmly by our brothers here. We ended our night with a sweet time of worship.

Yesterday, we visited four schools to distribute Bibles, and assess schools for feasibility.

We want to ensure that these schools have “Bible Knowledge” teachers! Although the subject is supposed to be taught across the country, teachers are provided by the government, and sometimes the staff is lacking for the BK class.

See students from St.Louis Primary School.
St. Louis is a school where Water Wells for Africa put in a borehole two years ago.

Attendance and graduation rates are way higher now that they have clean water here! 

They will read Chichewa for grades 1-4.

English is read in grades 5-8.

We also walked out the land where Abusa Kazembe will build a new church in Bvumbwe.
It’s 10 x 20 meters…

Bless you all,
Chris Eggleston

“But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.” (‭‭Jude‬ ‭1‬:‭20‬-‭21‬ ‭KJV‬‬)

Chris Eggleston and Pastor Kurt Dahlin

May 30, 2023


Hello, Friends of Jesus,

We are launching a new Blossom Project to provide hygienic facilities to keep girls in school.

Water wells permit girls to go to school, many for the first time.

Our first such facility is being built at this very moment.

Next week on our Malawi tour, I will visit Nanyanje School in Mangochi to celebrate the first development of its kind in that area.

We are making history and we are making a brighter future.

Blessed to be a Blessing,




May 31, 2023

Malawian Mega-praise Team,


Yesterday we did a water well dedication in a village called Kaluluma nearby Mwanza.

road map

This is near the Mozambique border.

It took us approximately 4 hours to get there from Blantyre.



We also visited a primary school in the same village near Mwanza.

road trip

Paul on a call. The Mozambique border is in the background.

In the foreground of this photo, Pastor Kurt is writing something. In the background, notice that buckets are being filled with crystal clear water from one of many water wells installed by WWFA (Water Wells for Africa).


In Malawi we are millionaires. Here’s Pastor Kurt with 8.7 million Kwacha. This was used to buy 667 Bibles (We bought 1 extra lol).


Chris Eggleston


P.S. I’m memorizing psalm 3:

“I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people, That have set themselves against me round about.”
(‭‭Psalm‬ ‭3‬:‭6‬ ‭KJV‬‬)

In Chichewa:

“Sindidzaopa unyinji wa anthu akundizinga ine.”
(‭‭MASALIMO‬ ‭3‬:‭6‬ ‭BLP-2018‬‬)

June 1, 2023

Friends, Los Angelinos, and Thyolo-inos,

We went to Thyolo to drop off Bibles at Bvumbwe Community Secondary School

class being taught outdoors

Here we interrupted a class being taught outdoors.

I liked visiting this school a lot.

  1. Our friend, Pastor Andrew Kazembe, is a teacher there and he has a Bible club
  2. The kids there are older, and can chop it up in English. When I shared John 3:3, one girl asked “what does it mean to be born again?”


Secret handshake

Two boys showing me their secret handshake.


We did an assessment of Nyambalo Primary School and a borehole dedication

During the borehole dedication, I had to distract the kids. 1700 kids attend that school.

school kids

We played a huge game of follow the leader.


We dedicated three boreholes: Naphiyo 1, 2 and 3.

clean water

Here’s a woman who was singing while she carried her bucket of clean water!


little stuck

We got a little stuck on the way, but some locals pushed us out


throwing confetti

We were throwing confetti in the air and the kids stuck it to their faces.




“My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand. I and my Father are one.” (‭‭John‬ ‭10‬:‭29‬-‭30‬ ‭KJV‬‬)

June 1, 2023

Malawi Africa Water Well Dedication
We dedicated 4 water wells today and put 40 GNT Bibles in a secondary school with 316 students.

June 3, 2023

Epic Warriors for Christ,

Blantyre shopping

Today in Blantyre, we went shopping for all of our camping supplies. We’ll camp in Mangochi for 10 days.


Local Happenings:
Blantyre Foursquare church is used as a testing center for the annual national exams this week.

Exams determine if students can advance to the next grade.

Primary School

In Malawi, if you can reach your right hand over the top of your head and touch your left ear, you are old enough to start Primary School.


Water Wells in Thyolo:

Water Wells
I’ve been decorating the water wells with crepe paper and balloons. We also wrap children’s heads with crepe paper.

I like to choose one child and mummify his whole head.


Mikandi Secondary School:

I shared the gospel with some students at this school.


Some are excited to grow in Christ:
“How can I avoid temptation?”
“Tell me more about the Spirit.”

I’m glad we put Bibles in their school so they can hear the word of God!

“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (‭‭Romans‬ ‭10‬:‭17‬ ‭KJV‬‬)

sharing snacks

Update for AJ: I’m sharing snacks with Isaac in your absence.


Much love,

“But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.” (‭‭James‬ ‭3‬:‭17‬-‭18‬ ‭KJV‬‬)

June 4, 2023

3,626 Bibles Placed in 25 Schools!

We have placed 3,626 Bibles and 295 Teacher Guides in 25 schools (Total Attendance: 15,876).

June 9, 2023

Water Wells for Africa - WWFA

This water well is installed at a school with 1,200 kids without any water. Not one kid got cholera in the recent epidemic.

June 10, 2023

We set up camp in Mangochi.

We had a fast-paced first day organizing people, equipment, and travel.
We worked out a lot of kinks.

We are in two teams dedicating water wells and showing the Jesus film.

We’re getting lunch at Lake Malawi now, before heading to two dedications.

Me, Precious, and Isaac

Me, Precious, and Isaac.

 Isaac has been subtly trying

Isaac has been subtly trying to get Juan and me to eat mice. 


Juan with a Baobab fruit

Juan with a Baobab fruit.


Lorries we packed full of gear

This is one of the lorries we packed full of gear.


Our team

Our team as we bounce around on the way to boreholes.



Borehole in a super-remote village with no school. 


We picked mini-apples.


people restored

Our people who were not feeling well have all been restored.


Reid and his mom and Kari have joined us now from Blantyre.

People are excited and we’ve been “chopping it up”!

We’ve been sharing the gospel at the borehole sites, and inviting them to the Jesus Film at sunset.

Jesus Film 1: 25 people came.
Jesus Film 2: 100 people came.


Blessings on blessings,


“For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; And holy is his name. And his mercy is on them that fear him From generation to generation. He hath shewed strength with his arm; He hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He hath put down the mighty from their seats, And exalted them of low degree. He hath filled the hungry with good things; And the rich he hath sent empty away.” (‭‭Luke‬ ‭1‬:‭49‬-‭53‬ ‭KJV‬‬)

At Sunset…

The team shares the Gospel of Jesus Christ during the mission trip, and one of the ways that this is done is by showing “The Jesus Film” at the borehole sites. After helping the people obtain clean drinking water from underground in their own communities, the door is wide open to share the living water of God’s Word and His plan of salvation.

Malawi Africa: Jesus Film Showings - Water Wells for Africa - WWFA

“Now I make known to you, brothers and sisters, the gospel which I preached to you, which you also received, in which you also stand, by which you also are saved, if you hold firmly to the word which I preached to you, unless you believed in vain. For I handed down to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures…”
(1 Corinthians 15:1-4)

June 13, 2023

This is a Bible Knowledge class being taught at Nanyanje Primary School. GNFS placed Bibles and Teacher Guides here.
The students are learning about how Christians should take care of the elderly.

We have expanded our project to give Student Guides to the teachers so they will have the content of the Bible lessons as well as the Teacher Guides.

Bless you all,
Pastor Kurt

“As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”
(Isaiah 55:10-11 NIV)

June 13, 2023

This is a Bible Knowledge class being taught at Nanyanje Primary School. GNFS placed Bibles and Teacher Guides here.
The students are learning about how Christians should take care of the elderly.

We have expanded our project to give Student Guides to the teachers so they will have the content of the Bible lessons as well as the Teacher Guides.

Bless you all,
Pastor Kurt

“As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”
(Isaiah 55:10-11 NIV)

June 16, 2023

400 girls now have a safe place to stay clean and stay in school.

June 16, 2023

More Bibles going to a remote school.

June 16, 2023

The Kela Team.
We have two other teams.
Our harvest season continues…
Keep praying.

September 2024 Update:

The Lockman Foundation donated the funds for the printing of thirty thousand Bibles for distribution to public schools in Malawi. Foursquare Missions Press printed the Bibles, and now they are loaded in a container that is destined for Malawi. All praise and honor to the Lord of the harvest.



Choose from the high-resolution, print-quality flyers below to help us spread the word about this project. Each flyer is in PDF format and can be easily attached to an email or printed on letter-size paper.


GoodNewsforSchools.org is a missionary project of Breakwater Church in Redondo Beach, California. Our goal is to bring a Bible to every student in Malawi.

We have already funded the purchase and delivery of our first 2,000 Bibles to 11 schools in Southern Malawi. Please pray about partnering with us to bring the Word of God to the Malawians.

We have an open door.
Now, all we need to do is step through it.
Donate here…

For more information about Breakwater,
visit BreakwaterEmbassy.org.

Breakwater Church is a 501(c)(3) non-profit.
Federal Tax ID# 94-1688818



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